Sunday, August 3, 2008

Last night......

i tried my hand at pool, learning that i have tonnes of luck which totally makes up for the lack of skill. i had to sprint to and from the car because hannah decided to park in a rat infested spot where huge ugly rodents were running freely all over the place! i managed to spill my vodka all over the table and floor without even being tipsy, just clutzy. i sat at the bar and indulged myself, wolfing down yummy yummy chicken peratal courtesy of the girlfriend of the bartender. i met a bangladeshi who loves malaysia, speaks tamil and gets wasted after two beers. i was force fed by a drunk doctor (a he) who said 'let momma feed you', before pouring beer down my throat *horror*. i watched a she-man stand up her/himself as some dude groped her/his overflowing boobs. i happily let hannah get hit on by some older guy, ignoring her pleading looks and sharp pinches under the table. and then she got free salsa lessons on the packed dance floor, lol! last night was a hoot. kuantanites are just hillarious when intoxicated, with one proclaiming he is quarter of a decade old. i must say you have taken being young at heart to a whole new level mohan.

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