I was waiting for my sis to pick me up from college. Driving down from Ipoh, she was due to arrive half past noon. On the dot my phone rings. She's reached. Giggling hysterically, she exclaims to me, "Anu! Disaster, disaster!!" She had managed to park half the car in the drain....and i thought i treated the crv badly by slamming it into a tree.
The sight of half a crv in the college drain by the warden's office drew quite abit of attention. College staff who were heading home for friday prayers stopped their motorcycles to inspect the damage and offer assistance. I called upon Sani and the boys to help lift the car out and back onto the road. Thank god Hanad has been gyming furiously lately. It was time for him to flex those muscles.

However before the boys reached, our abang-abang (college staff ) had already put all four wheels onto levelled road. They gave one massive heave and sis stepped on the accelerator. Voila! That did the trick.

But suddenly i realised that abang hashim (he's our chef) was on the ground, unable to stand. "Aduh, kaki aku. Terkena batu." Upon closer inspection, he parted his toes, and i could almost see the bone of his little toe, as though it near to being severed off his foot. I felt faint. It was bad. Panic and guilt rose within me like a tidal wave, and i ran off helter-skelter in search for a first aid kit. None was within close reach.
Sis & i then drove abang hashim with abang khairul accompanying straight to the tanjung malim clinic. To make matters worse, we drove that 20 minutes on a close to empty tank. The petrol indicator was below E! I have never prayed so hard for fuel to last forever.
Abang hashim received 4 stitches and 3 injections. He will probably be on medical leave for the next few days.
In the car (on the way to tg malim)
Sis : Abang, sangat sakit ke?
Abg Hashim : Takde la dik. Macam semut gigit je. Mana ade sakit semua.
the epitome of strength, bravery and courage-not even a groan of pain
At the clinic ( me, sis & abang khairul sit outside the A&E waiting )
Sis : Hari ini, saya sudah susahkan ramai orang. Maaf bang.
Abg Khairul : Eh, tak susah pun. Ni semua tak boleh kata. Memang berlaku. Lagipun, kita semua orang malaysia, mestilah tolong.
such a sweetheart, in the true malaysian spirit
In the car ( on the way back )
Abg Hashim : Dik, sekarang semua sudah ok. Jangan susah hati lagi ye. Nanti bila pandu balik, bolehla menyanyi dan bergembira. Lagu hindustan ke apa. Abang ok dah.
wow, all this after telling a friend "kaki i terkoyak" on the phone
I can't express enough my gratitude to everyone. Everyone who was so selfless. Everyone who didn't 'point fingers' when the mishap happened. Everyone who acted so quickly, so much so abg hashim still has the usage of his little toe. Thank you!
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