Thursday, May 29, 2008
I'm a believer
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Down memory lane

Then we ran the kite. Because of the lack of wind, it wouldn't fly unless i continuously run it. Trust me, it beats jogging hands down. I had fun..:)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Toe Woes
And hwee yin's big toe is acting up as well. It's a ghastly shade of green, blue and black. The whole toe..scary!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Baby steps
Horizontal Sundays
Saturday, May 24, 2008
All our holidays are planned. Tioman. Sun, sea and sand. We will be missing student dinner though, but oh well, i can deal with that. Then it's straight back to college for awards day rehearsal, and the awards day itself. Two years of KYUEM to be all wrapped up in one final ceremony. I can't believe we are approaching the end. Straight after that it's off to bali!!more sun,sea and sand. I might be overdosed by the end of all of this....i have to call up borneo ink and postpone my tattoo dates. Can't go to bali and stay out of the waters...and then its Scandinavia for me!!!...yipeeee!..The itenary for denmark, sweden and norway looks pretty good so far. All hand picked and drawn up by sis, she's done an amazing job. Now all i want to do is day dream, looking forward so so much.
Too bad exams are in the way. Darn. Such a spoiler.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Surprise!!?..not so

Monday, May 19, 2008
Freedom of speech??
Divine Intervention

The number of resident monkeys there have really dwindled. I was actually looking forward to having the monkeys all around as we descended from the caves after prayers. Mum ended up wrestling with one once when it lunged for her plastic bag of bananas and flowers. My little cuzzy, jeevan, was chased round and round by a monkey a few years back because he was clutching a packet of nuts. Screaming at the top of his lungs in fear, he ran as fast as his little legs could carry him while the rest of could only laugh helplessly. The monkeys always win in the end.
Surprisingly quite a number of people were up and about early in the morning (7am!!). Most were there for a morning jog. Quite popular among the locals for exercise.

This was thaipusam a year ago. Its PACKED during festivities. Like REALLLYYY packed.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
High Rise Living
Oh, I didn’t manage to get tickets to watch equus :(…Bummer..but i did get my new body bar!finally..i thought my pierced hole would close up before i did.
Friday, May 16, 2008
comedy turned tragedy
I was waiting for my sis to pick me up from college. Driving down from Ipoh, she was due to arrive half past noon. On the dot my phone rings. She's reached. Giggling hysterically, she exclaims to me, "Anu! Disaster, disaster!!" She had managed to park half the car in the drain....and i thought i treated the crv badly by slamming it into a tree.
The sight of half a crv in the college drain by the warden's office drew quite abit of attention. College staff who were heading home for friday prayers stopped their motorcycles to inspect the damage and offer assistance. I called upon Sani and the boys to help lift the car out and back onto the road. Thank god Hanad has been gyming furiously lately. It was time for him to flex those muscles.

However before the boys reached, our abang-abang (college staff ) had already put all four wheels onto levelled road. They gave one massive heave and sis stepped on the accelerator. Voila! That did the trick.

But suddenly i realised that abang hashim (he's our chef) was on the ground, unable to stand. "Aduh, kaki aku. Terkena batu." Upon closer inspection, he parted his toes, and i could almost see the bone of his little toe, as though it near to being severed off his foot. I felt faint. It was bad. Panic and guilt rose within me like a tidal wave, and i ran off helter-skelter in search for a first aid kit. None was within close reach.
Sis & i then drove abang hashim with abang khairul accompanying straight to the tanjung malim clinic. To make matters worse, we drove that 20 minutes on a close to empty tank. The petrol indicator was below E! I have never prayed so hard for fuel to last forever.
Abang hashim received 4 stitches and 3 injections. He will probably be on medical leave for the next few days.
In the car (on the way to tg malim)
Sis : Abang, sangat sakit ke?
Abg Hashim : Takde la dik. Macam semut gigit je. Mana ade sakit semua.
the epitome of strength, bravery and courage-not even a groan of pain
At the clinic ( me, sis & abang khairul sit outside the A&E waiting )
Sis : Hari ini, saya sudah susahkan ramai orang. Maaf bang.
Abg Khairul : Eh, tak susah pun. Ni semua tak boleh kata. Memang berlaku. Lagipun, kita semua orang malaysia, mestilah tolong.
such a sweetheart, in the true malaysian spirit
In the car ( on the way back )
Abg Hashim : Dik, sekarang semua sudah ok. Jangan susah hati lagi ye. Nanti bila pandu balik, bolehla menyanyi dan bergembira. Lagu hindustan ke apa. Abang ok dah.
wow, all this after telling a friend "kaki i terkoyak" on the phone
I can't express enough my gratitude to everyone. Everyone who was so selfless. Everyone who didn't 'point fingers' when the mishap happened. Everyone who acted so quickly, so much so abg hashim still has the usage of his little toe. Thank you!
A splashing 20th!
7.45 am May 16 2008
Josephine and Sapna walk into my room and shake me awake. Hair tousled, half dazed, looking terribly disheveled we creep out of my chalet. Nobody wakes up earlier than 9. It's just too ungodly. I hurry to drag alissa's butt out of bed. Jo and Sap fill little containers with water. Back to my chalet.
Padding in softly like four little thieves, i twist the knob of Hwee Yin's door. She's sleeping so peacefully. Short lived peace. Splash!~..she awakens with a start. We start belting out the birthday song. Happy 20th dear!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Intruder

I had a visitor today. An unwelcome guest. For the first time in almost two years he decided to pay me a visit. I greeted him with a can of mosquito spray. He was a tough one. He had me jumping from chair to bed, bed to chair (my room is only so big) as he scurried around trying avoid the jet of killer spray that tailed him everywhere. Twitching till the very end, he clung to life. But finally died. Good riddance!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
What lies ahead?
Monday, May 12, 2008

I walked into Blook in Bangsar, knowing that i would definitely find something red and nice there. 3 boys were in tow, my shopping companions for the day. Each dress i tried on had to be modelled publicly as Blook does not have mirrors in the fitting rooms. Finally, torn between a few choices, i called upon the boys (who were busy snapping photos of random girls passing by outside) for help, refusing to take the owner's advice-the owner and a bunch of salesgirls were trying to help me pick by then.

Owner : You must really trust these boys' preferences.
Me : Yeah, they have good taste (brimming with confidence)
Just as those words escaped my lips, Joel picks up the skimpiest thing around, a brown tube. Hey anu, this will loook good. I think this is hot. Buy this!...gosh, boys will be boys!-the owner gave me a funny smile.
It so happens that a whole bunch of us are May babies. In conjunction with all the birthdays, we had dinner at Souled Out in hartamas at night. Dinner was yummy and i especially loved the Dragonfly signature drink. Paradise in a glass. I think it was a combination of dragonfruit, lemon, lime, mint leaves and dashes of this and that. This was followed by a cards and shisha session at Borneo Rainforest in Sunway, supper at William's corner in Kelana Jaya and drinks back at my place.
I woke up with a start sometime mid afternoon on Sunday. Stomach churning and head heavy, laden down by a hangover. Vague memories of dancing, laughing, dancing, laughing played in my head. Must have been a good night i had. It better have been. I spent my whole Sunday in bed, recovering. Everything i consumed, including water, came right back out 5 minutes later. My final bout of puking was at college's entrance in front of all the security guards.Ooopsie.
i welcomed a new member to my family.His name is Roofus. My first puppy, adding to my collection of bears, a green snake and an oversized Nemo-thanks b!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
When i walked into the foyer area, i saw a backdrop that looked realllyyy familiar. It looked like something i helped paint for Sapphire last year. So i went nearer for an up-close inspection. A man came running...hey hey careful girl. You nearly stepped on my snakes!yikes!!~
The snake charmer takes out an albino python for an exclusive sneak peak. He starts kissing it and Sap who couldn't resist (hmmm...Hanad tak cukup?;), gave the snake a peck on its cheek.Cheek?ermm...whatever u call the side of the snakes head.

And Sani, our very own rockstar opened the whole Arabic Night themed event alongside local rapper Irfan. A fire-eater was spitting out huge flames in the middle of what used to be a Japanese Garden, but now looks like a construction site. It's supposedly going to be transformed into a 'contemporary zen garden'...whatever that means. He then proceeded to gobble up the flames!
They even had a cobra show. Whoa...when the hood raised the crowd freaked out. It was very impressive with the snake charmer giving the kiss of death. A mouth to mouth kiss with the longest and most poisonous snake.

squash court...or zoo?
sani zips around the squash court whooping ass. hwee yin slips and slides all over the place barely making contact with the moving target. And anusha stomps boom boom boom her way to the ball, only to miss.
The circus is in town folks.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sweet Sweet 19
They transformed the music room..the rather drab and plain music room into a cocktail party area. It was beauuuutifullll! A warm glow fell over the whole place (they brought in pretty lamps from the boy's chalets), illuminating all our friends who sat there waiting for us, the blindfolded birthday girls. I couldn't have been any more surprised. It was perfection. Flowers stolen from the warden's area was arranged in vases. Sap's homemade apple crumble held 19 candles waiting to be blown out, there was a scrumptious spread on the table. Cocktail sausages, garlic deviled eggs, nachos with tuna on the side and lots and lots sparkling juice.Yumyum. The night was complete with a live band, courtesy of Sani,Loh,Ju Vern and everyone else. We camwhored tonnes, played alot of music...and it was just fun.perfect fun.
Thanx a bunch guys..the originality was amazing..
Nobody could have put it better than Johan when he told me "I wish this was my party."
Cheers to another great year ahead!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
it's true...places can grow on you
Friday, May 2, 2008
Breaking news:The MOST happening place
Anusha : Why is the megamall repainted a combination of blue and cirit-birit colour?
All three of us in the car go silent. Nobody knows. Conclusion: If you can't remember the colour, it's good. It doesn't scream out ugliness at the top of its voice.
So we drive on. And then we see the new mall. A ghastly combination of cirit-birit and yellow. Wow. To make things worse, at the entrance of it in bright cheerful letters, a sign reads
.....even having Big Apple and Baskin Robbins can never ever, ever justify such a bold statement.
The Malaysian Hand