Monday, December 20, 2010

New Year New Year!

With this uneventful year drawing to an end, a brief summary of odd discoveries.

Holidays can not happen, even when all flight tickets and accomodation are booked. Even when you have Euros sitting on your desk. Even when there are additions to your wardrobe for this sole purpose. Simply because, volcanos can blow up. Who would have thought. Trips home are the sweetest ever. Especially unplanned ones. When everything in life is going right, that's the tipping point. Nothing is going to be okay from then on. For awhile at least. I don't have a criminal mind. Which is really not a good thing at all. Working on that for now. I am still running back to the same person when I'm in trouble. The same person I'd run to five, maybe six years ago. And no, I still don't get answers by pouring it all out. That's what I like. Someone who doesn't judge, or at least I'd like to think so. Uni life ends next year, the frightening reality that getting out of bed will no longer be a choice. A summer job in Canary Wharf is beautiful, I should have treasured it a little bit more. I might not be going back there. I trust blindly. It would have been nice if it had stayed that way. Unfortunately, I saw light at some point. Trust has never been easy ever since. No, I think trust has never been ever since. I learn about talking calculated risks. I am yet to put it into practice. I ponder the choices I have. It gets more complicated with age. I will learn patience. Waiting will soon be my specialty. I am tired of fighting, of resisting, of not indulging common sense. This will be my last christmas spent with my nose buried in books. Random. I am looking forward to change.  Wheee!

Hello 2011!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

When it all falls apart?

When I was in colllege, the building started to sink. No joke, the foundation was so poor that the complex of buildings became mishapen with cracks forming unable to cope with the odd angle the building was moving into. So we were evacuated, classes moved to the chalets, our living quarters. The college was rebuilt, revamped, removing many nostalgic memories in the process.

Now, the house i'm inhabiting is starting to sink. Tiles have popped off the kitchen walls, cracks in the dining area ceiling have formed, and one day someone might just come crashing into the kitchen while taking a warm shower above. It's quite funny, sound travels even more efficiently with these new features. Drying off in the bathroom upstairs, you get a very clear blow by blow account of the gossip going on in the kitchen below. Talk about piped in shower entertainment.