Emotional+physical+psychological pain=the ultimate torture=3 days of battling sun and rain in Kerling.
Well it's all for a good cause. To complete the Duke of Edinburgh Silver award. But expeditions in Kerling is just pure pain. Our first expedition was in Cameron Highlands. Despite all my worries and qualms about the whole thing, it turned out to be a total blast. The icing on the cake was i celebrated my 18th birthday there, amidst the mist and chill of the night with all my friends around.
Then it was a trial expedition in Kerling. I started off the whole thing with tears in my eyes, literally(because i accidentally stuck my sunblock coated fingers into them), and it was downhill from there. We camped on a football field the first night. A football field! A muddy, overgrown football field! No shower, no toilets, no nothing. Thank god it rained earlier in the day. Getting soaked in the rain was what i considered my shower for the day. The whole experience was made much easier with a surprise visit and some Big Apple donuts all the way from KL. It's still quite amazing how those boys managed to find us happy campers at the field, deep within an oil palm plantation, to deliver donuts. This expedition was all about endless roads and walking forever under the scorching sun. The only good thing was we were guided almost 90% of the 40 something kms we covered. So we HARDLY got lost....yes we were illiterate enough to be unable to decipher simple...realllyyy simple route notes during the 10% of the time we were not guided.And got lost.
Now it's another expedition this weekend, a qualifying expedition. But this time it's 100% navigation on our own (in our little groups). No being guided. No being led. Another 40 odd kms. Another friday, saturday and sunday sacrificed...But i will survive. It's not ALL that bad.